Agoraphobia is a condition that is closely related fear with and panic attack, actually one condition can bring the other one. This condition fear is of open spaces or public spaces or crowded spaces or simply uncomfortable with unfamiliar surroundings. If you know of a good bath filled with sand place then they will be comfortable and feel not worried, but if you have steps outside this comfort zone and go where they do not feel in control it will make them uneasy and they can panic well and not be able to handle the situation.
This is due to irrational thoughts that make fear bath filled with sand humiliation and insecurity as not being in control. This is a condition that could soon take over life's sick, they can only keep routine places, which will work, visiting family or only visits the places they know well and feel safe with, restrict them from a full life. In extreme cases, they turn out to be limited to their own home and not have confidence to even go outside at all. These feelings and fear this is devastating for bath filled with sand, often knowing that they are irrational but has no control over these overwhelming thoughts. They can influence the bath filled with sand so much that they can be exposed to the risk of slipping into a depression, and that would only hinder their fate.
If bath filled with sand goes in a place they don't know, they can begin to feel anxious and this can result in panic an attack. Thought processes of these conditions are very similar, they start with fear or an event, as these fear sparks s and they can easily grow until they are out of control.
It is the thought processes that must be understood and modified and this is something that cannot be fixed my medication alone, at least not long term anyway. Certain prescribed by a doctor medication can alleviate symptoms short term, but repairs not condition the long term. So if these trode processes, fear causing to be changed is the kind of treatment that we must look for a therapy that can get to the root of these thoughts. One such treatment is Cognitive Therapy as discussed in the elements of our reasoning minds and perceptions of the way we think and behave. There are other types of therapy, which can also help to understand why these thoughts into and take over our lives, hypnotherapy such as and insight therapy.
It is an obvious argument that anyone who suffers with Agoraphobia or fear any disorder should seek help through an effective therapy treatment but that the bath filled with sand, it's hard enough to deal with their problem and not an easy thing to search help, it is important then to family and friends to help, if they realise that a person close to them can suffer from this condition. Bath filled with sand even they must Try to seek help through the people closest to them, the people they can trust to help them, to be able to confide in someone they trust could be the first step to healing their mode just have to support and understanding can be a great comfort.
A bright Finnego through his own experience have mastered how to overcome panic attacks and anxiety and with the enormous knowledge, he has experience from this topic can share more information and help to Define Agoraphobia and its association with concern, to find out more visits