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2011年5月30日 星期一

Depression Or Anxiety?

For common people telling the difference between depression and anxiety is extremely difficult, but in fact these two are very different from each other.

As one of my friends says - every depressed person is the same, but anxiety is very individual. And he knows what he is talking about; he's been battling his anxiety for years. Anxiety and depression are often mixed up, because they often come in 2-for-1 package. Anxiety produces a lot of fear which can lead to a major depression.

So what are the differences and similarities of anxiety and depression symptoms?



Fear of death
Overwhelming fear, panic, excessive nervous energy
Constant tension, difficulties with breathing, nausea, diarrhoea, palpitations, agitation
Constant worry about doing something just right


Suicidal thoughts
Feeling of sadness, doom, lack of energy, loss of hope
Body moves slowly, lacks proper motor functions
Lack of interest and ambition in anything

Hey, it looks like it's impossible to miss the difference in signs, doesn't it? But let's have a look at the rest of them, and you'll see where the catch is.



Excessive guilt, worthlessness (because of inability to overcome the anxiety)
No appetite or sexual interest
Weight loss or gain
Inability to function normally, fatigue, lack of concentration (due to paralyzing fear)
Struggling to sleep (panic attacks, tension)
Headaches, tension, muscle pain


Excessive guilt, worthlessness
No appetite or sexual interest
Weight loss or gain
Inability to function normally, fatigue, lack of concentration (due to lack of emotional and physical energy)
Struggling to sleep or oversleeping
Headaches, tension, muscle pain

You see? Unless your doctor is digging deep into the causes of your mental and physical changes you are more likely to be diagnosed with the depression than anxiety.

What does it mean for you? Nothing major in a short run, unless you decide that taking some antidepressants is enough. I highly recommend going into therapy - a skilled specialist will spot your anxiety and help you to change the diagnosis and maybe even your antidepressant drugs.

My friend said cognitive-behavioural therapy helped him a lot, as in short sessions you are taught where your thoughts and fears are coming from and given the techniques of how to fight your anxiety.

The fact is, anxiety in contrast with depression is never going away, but you learn how to spot the signs and stop or minimize the effects in order to live a normal life. What is your experience? Do you know anyone with anxiety living with a wrong diagnosis? I add more information about depression and how to overcome it on my blog

2011年5月29日 星期日

Psychotic Depression - Signs and Symptoms

Psychotic depression is estimated to affect one in every 250 people. People with this condition normally experience delusions which are beliefs or feelings that are not real. Bipolar patients may experience this condition during depressed states. Episodes of this disorder normally last for a defined amount of time. Sometimes however, they can be chronic.

This condition is considered a severe form of major depression. Patients with mild or moderate depression may also exhibit psychotic symptoms. Paranoid delusions and delusions of guilt are the most common symptoms of this illness. Some of the patients who experience delusional guilt believe that they are being punished for past misdeeds.

A person with psychotic depression will also have delusions that include those in which he or she is concerned that something is terribly wrong with his or her body. The person will claim that something is wrong with his or her physical health. People with this condition normally experience more delusions than hallucinations. While some people with this illness don't experience hallucinations, others do. Other symptoms of this disorder are agitation and difficulties in falling asleep.

This condition is sometimes mistaken for schizophrenia. It is also sometimes mistaken for schizo affective disorder. Schizophrenia normally has more delusional symptoms. Other symptoms that characterize schizophrenia are loose associations, flight of ideas and echolalia which is repeating what others say. Word salad or meaningless speech is another symptom of this condition. Psychotic depression is mostly treated using antidepressants and anti psychotics. Researchers are also trying to develop a new treatment that will directly deal with the pathophysiology of the condition.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and its treatment. Depression

2011年5月28日 星期六

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2011年5月27日 星期五

Postnatal Depression - Signs and Symptoms

Postnatal depression is common in women and occurs after having a baby. This condition normally develops within the first month after childbirth. Sometimes, it may develop as a result of severe 'baby blues'. Some symptoms of this condition include feeling low and miserable. These feelings can persist for quite sometime but are particularly worse in the mornings. Irritability especially with your partner is another sign.

You may also have trouble sleeping even though you may be tired as a result of looking after the baby. Although new mothers are normally weak in the first days or weeks after delivery, the situation can get worse when they develop postnatal depression. This condition can lead to loss of appetite and this can be a major problem. This is because as a new mother you are supposed to eat properly so that you can regain any energy that you may have lost during childbirth.

Anxiety is another symptom of this illness. When you are a new mother, anxiety may take several forms. It can make you tense and the concern for your baby may be overwhelming. In addition, you may experience 'panic attacks'. These are episodes in which you think that something catastrophic is about to happen. Such episodes normally last for several minutes. This can be extremely frightening but the situation normally gets better on its own.

Although the exact cause of postnatal depression is unknown, hormonal changes following childbirth as well as stressful events during and after pregnancy can trigger the condition. If you have previously had episodes of this illness or have a family history of the disease, you are at an increased risk. This condition can be treated in the same way as other types of depressions.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and its treatment. Depression

Face Up to Depression and Live a Better Life

Are you always feeling down? Perhaps you are never in the mood to be around other people and enjoy yourself. If you suffer from long periods of sadness, you have to realise that you have a problem, and this problem is having a detrimental effect on your life. Depression can be diagnosed and treated, you have to visit a professional such as your family doctor or a Psychiatrist. These people will understand the problems you face and they have the means to help you.

Depression comes in a number of different forms, It is estimated that in the UK at least 15% of the population suffer from Depression of one form or another. However, a large percentage of these people will never be treated, therefore, depression and its effects continue to hinder and in some cases destroy these peoples lives. This illness, and make no mistake, this is an illness, may appear to be something which is quite easily treatable, however, the reality is that it will take much more than just a little cheering up to completely cure this disease. The sufferer will need to make constant visits to cognitive behaviour therapist's, and also take all prescribed medicines given by the doctor. None of these medicines are exactly cheap, however when you consider the suffering that someone who has depression is going through, then the costs are quite meaningless. These are enough reasons for more people to take notice and begin facing depression head on.

Depression almost always gets in the way of a persons normal daily activities and their normal functions, a persons love of life and outgoing nature can quickly and easily disappear due to a bout of depression. Instead of the outgoing person or the person who loves life we are used to, we find a person who hates themselves, a person who has no self confidence and a person who isolates themselves from the rest of the world. We find that this normally happy person no longer cares about living. Of course, we must also realise that the person who has depression will not be the only one who will suffer from this destructive illness. This persons family and friends will also be made to suffer as they watch the happy go lucky person they all no and love, become a person who no longer cares about anything any more. This illness will not only destroy the sufferers self worth but also destroy the lives of those around them.

There is however good news, depression can now be cured. If and when diagnosed early, sufferers of depression can now be treated with the use of therapy and medication, OK, so the therapy and medication wont come cheap, what is more important, a person's good mental health or the money, you cannot scrimp on health. Cognitive behavioural discussions or interpersonal discussions are just a couple of the psychosocial treatments which are available from cognitive behaviour therapists, both of these have actually proved to produce very positive results.

People still find it difficult to recognize depression even when it is staring them in the face. The key factor in being able to cure this terrible illness is to be honest with yourself. Never overlook the symptoms of depression, depressed people will often show uncharacteristic behaviour, such as all of a sudden losing interest in their hobbies, or other things he or she usually enjoys. The sufferer may begin to sleep too much, or perhaps not be able to get any sleep. A person suffering from depression may also become anti-social, perhaps he or she will talk a lot about death, or even claim to be a worthless person. There are numerous other symptoms to depression, however if you recognise any of these in yourself or someone you know, then you must visit a reputable doctor or psychiatrist as soon as possible in order to get an early diagnosis. From here you will be able to see which treatments are available to you.

Depression is not something that should be feared, on the contrary, sufferers who understand that they have this problem should take charge of their lives and face this illness head on. Life is far too precious a gift to be wasted. If a person is to spend the most of their life just being sad and alone, then what kind of life would that be? Depression may not destroy a persons body, however, it will most certainly destroy their spirit and zest for life. You do not have to be a victim, help is out there.

James McLean Bowie is an author and book dealer who resides in East Yorkshire England. He owns a number of websites, two of which are, and On his sites you will find a number of resources for collectors, writers, hobbyist and webmasters.

2011年5月26日 星期四

Complete Recovery From Anxiety and Panic

The only Book You Will Ever Need In Your Search For Answers, Written By Ex-Sufferer Paul David

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Overcome Child Anxiety - High Conversions - No Opt-In Available!

Advanced resource for overcoming child anxiety by proven CB vendor Rich Presta . High conversion rates - 75% commissions! No opt-in landing page version available - You pick the landing page! Go To

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2011年5月25日 星期三

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, & Distress Tolerance (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, & Distress Tolerance (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)A Clear and Effective Approach to Learning DBT Skills

First developed for treating borderline personality disorder, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has proven effective as treatment for a range of other mental health problems, especially for those characterized by overwhelming emotions. Research shows that DBT can improve your ability to handle distress without losing control and acting destructively. In order to make use of these techniques, you need to build skills in four key areas--distress tolerance, mindfulness, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.

This book, a collaborative effort from three esteemed authors, offers straightforward, step-by-step exercises for learning these concepts and putting them to work for real and lasting change. Start by working on the introductory exercises and, after making progress, move on to the advanced-skills chapters. Whether you are a professional or a general reader, whether you use this book to support work done in therapy or as the basis for self-help, you'll benefit from this clear and practical guide to better managing your emotions.

The individual struggling with overwhelming emotions and DBT therapists will benefit significantly from this workbook. McKay, Wood and Brantley have expanded and translated DBT Skills, making Linehan's iconic work on emotional skill building even more accessible and easy to apply to everyday life.
--Kate Northcott, MA, MFT, is a DBT therapist in private practice with Mindfulness Therapy Associates and is director of New Perspectives Center for Counseling, a non-profit counseling center, in San Francisco, CA

Price: $22.95

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2011年5月24日 星期二

2011年5月23日 星期一

Beat Depression

You can beat depression through several ways. Some of the most common methods are through medications and psychotherapy. There are also other alternative treatments methods. Medications normally help relieve some of the symptoms but they do not cure the root cause of the problem. Antidepressant medications may have side effects as well as other safety concerns.

Exercise normally helps people to break through negative energy and stress. It not only helps you to get fit but also makes you energized and refreshed. Regular exercise normally provides a natural mood lifting. Meditation and yoga can help to fight depression. They both help to put freshness and positive energy in you.

A regular balanced diet is crucial for your physical and mental health .Having the right amount of sleep is important because it has a great effect on your mood. Developing strong social networks can also help to beat depression. Having people you can talk to helps to reduce isolation which is a major risk factor for this disorder. Too much stress exacerbates depression and therefore you should come up with ways that help to reduce and manage stress.

There are several therapies that you can use to cure this illness. They include cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, psychodynamic therapy and group or family therapy. Therapy can teach you some practical techniques on how you can reframe negative thinking and work through the root cause of your problem. It can also empower you with behavioral skills that can help in curbing the condition. Through therapy, you will understand what you need to do to beat depression.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and its treatment. Depression

The NLP Communication Model - A Good Starting Point For Depression Therapy

NLP is an art and a science. It is based on the idea that the sensory information around us is translated into thoughts and ideas, which affect our state, physiology and behaviour and therefore our results. Our words also affect our experience and the experience of others. NLP teaches us how to use communication more effectively. NLP also tells us that we code or represent information to ourselves in certain ways. How we do code information varies between events we perceive as positive and negative. NLP teaches specific strategies and techniques that we can learn in order to represent this information differently to produce better results. These strategies are used at my NLP, CBT and Hypnotherapy practice in Hertfordshire.

The NLP communication model explains clearly how we process and use information and how this affects our state, physiology and behaviour. This is why it is a good starting point for therapy and I will always explain it to clients attending their first session of CBT, NLP or Hypnotherapy, in Hertfordshire. It is really important for clients to understand this model in order to be able to make changes to how they view their world.

What we know is that every second we are bombarded by sensory feedback (an estimated 2 million bits of information every second) from our 5 senses Visual (sight), Auditory (hearing), Kinaesthetic (feeling & touch), Olfactory (smelling) and Gustatory (tasting). In any given moment we are selective as to what information we pay attention to because of course we cannot possibly hope to process all of the information. Memory theorists suggest we can handle or remember about 7 new bits of information at once.

This means that we filter the 2 million bits of information into about 7 bits. The way we do this is by deleting, distorting or generalizing. Deletion means we do not attend to information that is not relevant in the moment, distortion means we adapt the information to make it fit with what we believe or are on the look-out for, generalization helps us to relate new information to what we already know. These three processes are crucial, as they prevent us from being overloaded with information and allow us to function.

However, what this also means is that we do not have the full picture because we have ignored or changed information during the filtering process. Using the 7 bits of information that have filtered we recreate the outside event inside our mind. This is called an internal representation. This mean that what we represent to ourselves inside our minds is never true to what is actually happening in the event.

Our internal representations are a re-presentation of the original information after filtering. Because the information we take in is via our 5 senses, our internal representations are made up of thoughts, feelings, sounds, pictures, smell and tastes. Importantly, the way we represent or code information in our internal representation affects how we feel, which in turn affects our physiology and behavior. What we know is that happy people tend to filter and represent information differently to depressed or anxious people. More importantly via cognitive therapy such as NLP or hypnotherapy, Herts, people experiencing mental distress can learn to filter in a way that allows refreshed perspectives and a different emotional experience.

Karen Hastings is a NHS experienced mental health occupational therapist, Master NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist. Karen uses hypnotherapy in Hertfordshire, along with cognitive therapy and NLP approaches. For more information about Hypnotherapy or NLP, Herts visit

Karen Hastings is a NHS experienced mental health occupational therapist, Master NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist. Karen uses hypnotherapy in Hertfordshire, along with cognitive therapy approaches. For more information about Hypnotherapy, Herts visit

2011年5月22日 星期日

Air Body Slant

Air Body SlantLetting the Law of Gravity work for you from time to time) instead of against you (all the time) is the natural tilt of the BodySlant. For long-standing people, however, the buoyant-like sensation of calmly resting on the Body Slant, and literally staying on top of gravity, is inexpressible. Only by stretching-out your body on the BodySlant (with your head lower than your heart - and your feet higher than your heart) can you actually fathom the Body Slant experience for yourself.


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2011年5月21日 星期六

The Social Strategies

How I Destroyed My Shyness And Social Anxiety By Playing Games! A Radical New Method Presented By Acclaimed Personal Development Coach, Jon Mercer. Affiliates Get Quick Conversions And 60% Payouts! Users Love The Social Strategies!

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Through a Dog's Ear: Music to Calm Your Canine Companion, Volume 1

Through a Dog's Ear: Music to Calm Your Canine Companion, Volume 1Music can soothe the savage beast?including your dog! Millions of dog guardians have grappled with behavior problems caused by their dog?s anxiety? from fits of barking when their beagle is left home alone to the nervous whimpering of their dachshund during a thunderstorm. Now, psychoacoustic expert Joshua Leeds joins concert pianist Lisa Spector and veterinary neurologist Dr. Susan Wagner to create Through a Dog?s Ear: Music to Calm Your Canine Companion; the first CD in a new series of music clinically proven to calm canine listeners.

Price: $14.95

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2011年5月20日 星期五

Stop Anxiety In Minutes-Internet's #1 Anxiety & Panic Attack Product

Highly Effective & Cutting Edge Anxiety & Panic Attack Program Has Been Conversion Tested With An Astonishing 15%+. Earn High Commissions @ 65% of Each Total Sale.

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2011年5月19日 星期四

Dyslexia and Depression

I can certainly see the possible link between dyslexia and depression.

Samuel T. Orton, M.D. was one of the first researchers who talked about emotional problems connected to dyslexia, including depression disorder, especially among children and teenagers.

What usually happens is that before school and before learning to read these children have relatively happy life. As soon as the learning starts and they realize that they can't read as well as other children and the distance between them and their friends is getting bigger, the stress, depression and anxieties build up and their self-esteem plummets.

Interestingly enough, girls tend to succumb to depression more, while boys practice aggression and denial.

It's very important to recognize very early that your child or pupil is dyslexic and to treat them differently. A lot of parents and teachers would think that the child is very bright but call him or her lazy and inattentive not even realizing how hard the child is trying.

I've got a friend who is suffering from bipolar disorder, and who's been getting depression therapy for quite a long time. His therapist came to a conclusion looking back at his childhood that a lot of his mental problems started in dyslexia.

People don't exactly realize how many problems and insecurities you can develop at an early age if you are dyslexic. Let's see:

- Problems with social interactions as other children think you are not smart enough;

- Fear of making a mistake. You are likely to become a perfectionist and feel unhappy unless everything is up to your very high standards;

- Problems with oral language which doesn't help your self-esteem especially in your teenage years;

- Difficulties with remembering right sequence of events or words in a sentence, consequently when such children remember what happened and talk about it, they may tell the story differently every time and are called pathological liars.

- Dyslexic performance varies from good days to bad days, some tasks they will do perfectly well and some they can not accomplish.

These are just some of the "perks" of this condition.

It is with a certainty you can say that depression, anxiety and anger are constant features in life of a dyslexic.

That's why it is very important from an early age:

1. To detect the dyslexia.

2. To help your child to understand the condition and what they are good or not good at.

3. To help them to achieve real goals not perfection that they are striving for.

4. If they are good at something, encourage them to teach it to other youngsters. It does marvels for their self-esteem.

5. And keep listening and encouraging them to express their feelings.

As usual I'm very interested to learn of your experiences, so please, share and take care, guys!
Karina Knight used to work with mental health patients and dealt with the latest antidepressants and antipsychotics. Now she researches the topic of depression and writes on all the connected with this illness issues. More information about depression and how to overcome it on the blog

2011年5月18日 星期三

Recognizing Depression

Depression is caused by many factors. Two of these factors are stress and burn out. When we are stressed out our body acts differently than when we are relaxed. This can lead to many kinds of diseases, one of which is depression. If your body is under too much stress during long periods of time, it will simply fade. The person simply stops working at peak capacity.

It is impossible to avoid stress in our lives completely. We are all under pressure all the time. The constant stress will give us negative effects over time. This may eventually lead to chronic depression. In this article we will see some signs of the existence of stress and burn out.

People who are under constant stress may seem tired all the time and without energy. Stress lowers your energy and leaves your body feeling worn out physically. This symptom is quite dangerous because it is directly related to depression.

Sometimes people get upset when they are ordered something. We all can react that way on occasions, but if the person show an excessive anger when he gets a simple request, then this person needs a little rest.

Sometimes people become too auto-critic. These people are angry with themselves when they let things to do accumulate or cede to requests from everybody. The anger with oneself can be linked to depression, so this is a sign to be taken into account.

Sometimes, when people are under great stress, they feel they are being besieged. They feel that the world is against them and show feelings of extreme paranoia. Again, the irrational thought is a sign of depression, so you must pay attention to anyone who is showing this behavior.

If people are giving signs of frequent headaches or gastrointestinal problems, this means that these people are stressed. This can lead to a very serious health problem if they don't relax a bit.

Knowing when a person is under a lot of stress is very important to detect depression. As we have seen, stress is a major cause. If you or someone else shows these symptoms, you should encourage them to seek help.

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2011年5月17日 星期二

Physical Symptoms and Signs of Depression

There are several physical symptoms of depression. Headaches are common in people with this condition. If you suffer from migraine headaches, they may worsen when you become depressed. Back pain is another symptom. If you already experience such pains, they will worsen when you develop this condition. Other signs are muscle aches, joint pains and chest pains.

Digestive problems include feeling queasy or nauseous. You can also develop diarrhea or become chronically constipated. Exhaustion and fatigue is another symptom of this disorder. You will feel tired and worn-out all the time. Getting out of bed in the morning may turn out to be hard if not impossible.

Other physical symptoms of depression are sleeping problems and change in appetite and weight. You will have difficulties falling asleep while in other cases, you may sleep more than normal. You may lose appetite and weight. In some instances however, you may develop a craving for certain foods for example carbohydrates and this may make you to gain weight. Dizziness is another symptom of this illness.

Use of therapy or medicine can help resolve these symptoms. A doctor may, for example suggest anti-anxiety medicine if you have insomnia. These drugs will help you relax as well as sleep better. Pain and depression go hand in hand and therefore easing the pain can help in suppressing the condition. Antidepressants such as Cymbalta and Effexor can help in dealing with chronic pain. Certain types of focused therapy for example cognitive behavioral therapy can provide you with skills that can help to cope with some of these physical symptoms of depression.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and its treatment. Depression

Mild Depression - Who is at Risk of Having It

Mild depression is normally not a big threat. When you have this condition, you are still able to go about your normal duties and activities. Some signs and symptoms of this condition are minor changes in both behavior and appetite. If these symptoms persist, it is advisable that you seek help from a specialist because there are chances for the condition to turn severe.

Getting over this condition is not as hard as getting over other forms of this illness. Antidepressant medicines are normally used to treat this condition. They are however not recommended in the initial stages of the illness. One of the natural ways that you can use to get rid of mild depression is exercising.

Exercise normally helps people to break through negative energy and stress. Exercise not only helps you to get fit but also makes you energized and refreshed. Having strong social networks is also important because it helps in reducing isolation which is a risk factor for the condition. Too much stress exacerbates depression and therefore you should device ways that help to reduce and manage stress.

Deep breathing and meditation help to put freshness and positive energy in you. You should also try to be active and useful. Try to get a hobby or even volunteer your time at for example a children's home or even in a hospital. Getting a job even if it is part-time can also help to get over mild depression. All these things are important because they will take your mind off certain issues that may be bothering you.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and its treatment. Depression

2011年5月16日 星期一

History of the World Part 1 [VHS]

History of the World Part 1 [VHS]Mel Brooks's 1981, three-part comedy--set in the Stone Age, the Roman Empire, and the French Revolution--is pure guilty pleasure. Narrated by Orson Welles and featuring a lot of famous faces in guest appearances (beyond the official cast), the film opens well with Sid Caesar playing a caveman, then moves along to the unlikely but somehow hilarious juxtaposition of Caesar's soldiers (the other Caesar, not Sid) with pot humor, and ends on a dumb-funny note in the French bloodbath. This is a take-it-or-leave-it movie, and it works best if you're in a take-it-or-leave-it mood. --Tom Keogh

Price: $9.98

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2011年5月15日 星期日

Reduce Driving Anxiety & Driving Phobia Subliminal CD with Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) imbedded in soothing music and calming sounds of ocean waves

Reduce Driving Anxiety & Driving Phobia Subliminal CD with Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) imbedded in soothing music and calming sounds of ocean wavesThis is a subliminal product with hundreds of positive affirmations recorded onto one relaxing CD. Although the words aren't audible, they are there and they are powerful! The affirmations are masked by beautiful music and soothing ocean waves. Meanwhile, as you focus on something else, or just while relaxing, the subliminal affirmations take hold in your subconscious mind. The affirmations are powerful and designed to bring about safe, healthy and permanent changes in your life. With so many subliminal products on the market, be cautious to purchase only REAL subliminal recordings with NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) affirmations. Proper production, recording, scripting, and duplication are vital in creating such a powerful product. Use only the BEST! Trust Mind Design technology and expertise.

Price: $14.99

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Depression: News From the Field

What does a mouse, tai chi and brain stimulation have in common? Current depression studies.

Here is the news of depression therapy.

First of all, Barrow Neuromodulation Center in Phoenix, Arizona has started a pioneering study of depressed people's brain activity in order to treat their depression with deep brain stimulation (DBS), which means that they implant an electrode into your brain after pinpointing the area responsible for your mental problems, then the device they call a brain pacemaker sends electrical signals to your brain to alleviate the symptoms of your depression.

What they are doing in the clinical trial is creating two groups of participants: depressed and non-depressed. Both groups are going to be shown some very sad photos and videos while going through MRI. When brain responds to the stimulation, MRI scan will pinpoint what happens and in which areas of the brain.

So far only people with severe depression under the observation of the psychiatrist can participate in the trials, but nonetheless this is some exciting information which will help us to understand and control mental illnesses more in the future.

Secondly, the scientists in Los Angeles, California discovered that implementing tai chi among other depression help methods for the older patients improve their depression levels more than for those who use more traditional depression treatment. They also achieve better memory, awareness and have more energy.

What can I say? Only that I'm not surprised!

Tai chi combines exercise with a sort of meditative and breathing technique, which not only beats your depression by producing endorphins in your body, but also relaxes you and changes your brain waves activity.

At last, there is some progress in gene therapy studies. I'm very dubious about this one though!

There is a gene p11 (protein) that in 2006 was found to stimulate serotonin (brain chemical) production in the brain. Serotonin as you know is one of the brain chemicals, lack of which is responsible for our depression. So the scientists are trying to see if they can add p11 to certain areas of our brain to battle depression. Of course they are not experimenting on human brain but instead on mice.

They created genetically modified mice lacking gene p11 and injected them with certain virus making them behaviorally depressed, then they injected them with p11, and voila the mice appeared lacking depression. This is it in the nutshell.

They also studied 17 brains of deceased humans, some depressed and some not, and found that depressed ones had less p11. Pretty gruesome, but this is genetic studies for you, guys.

This is a very invasive procedure, and the implications for human brain are unknown. But I think we still should keep an eye out for what else they find out about p11 and see what kind of development is next in this fascinating and very dangerous field of research.

This is all for today, and if you know more about it, please share! Karina Knight used to work with mental health patients and dealt with the latest antidepressants and antipsychotics. Now she researches the topic of depression and writes on all the connected with this illness issues.

More information about depression and how to overcome it on the blog

2011年5月14日 星期六

Help To Alleviate Dog Anxiety 50% Commission

Audio and ebook with extra bonuses to help cure Dog Anxiety...for example chewing! You get 50% Commission, Good extra upsell with this product

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2011年5月13日 星期五

The Linden Method - Worlds #1 Anxiety & Panic Attacks Program

New Changes - Now get $62 per sale & New Resources. Physical Product & Download. Unmatched Success 130,000+ Cured. Endorsed by Government, Drs & Psych's. Incl. $230 Bonuses. Isbn reg products. 96.7% success rate. Visit

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Depression Article

Depression treatment can be through lifestyle changes, therapy, medications and other alternative treatments. Lifestyle changes are simple but effective. The changes include regular exercise which provides a natural mood lifting and other chemical changes in your body. A regular balanced diet is crucial for your physical and mental health.

Having the right amount of sleep is important because it has a great effect on your mood. Having strong social networks is also important because it helps in reducing isolation. Isolation is a risk factor for the condition. Too much stress exacerbates depression and therefore you should device ways that help to reduce and manage stress.

Therapy is another depression treatment. It helps to treat this condition from several angles. It gives you skills and insights that can help you prevent the recurrence of the illness. The three most common types of therapy that are used to treat this condition are cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy and psychodynamic therapy. Often, a blended approach is normally used.

Therapy can teach you some practical techniques on how you can re-frame negative thinking and work through the root cause of your condition. It can also empower you with behavioral skills that can help in combating the condition. Therapy helps you to understand why you feel in a certain way. It also helps you to understand the triggers of your situation. Through therapy, you will understand what you need to do to stay healthy.

There are also medications that can be used in depression treatment. These medications normally help relieve some of the symptoms but they do not cure the root cause of the problem. Antidepressant medications may have side effects and safety concerns. Alternative treatments for depression include relaxation techniques and acupuncture.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and its treatment. Depression

2011年5月12日 星期四

The EasyCalm Video Coaching Series

The leading Anxiety and Panic Attack Coaching Series in downloadable video format. Affilates get 60% and Crazy-High Conversions! Check The Ppp to see why!

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2011年5月11日 星期三

Beat Anxiety Now!

Beat Anxiety Now with "Natual Cures For Anxiety". Ex-sufferer reveals the most powerful techniques known to Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Easy to use guide with 100% Guaranteed Results.

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2011年5月10日 星期二

Postpartum Depression Therapy

Postpartum depression was at one time one of the most untreated conditions in Canada. Therapists in Calgary have seen a startling rise in this condition in recent years. One of the main reasons for this increase in patients is due to people being more open about the condition, understanding the seriousness of it and media attention.

Postpartum depression is a serious condition that usually occurs shortly after childbirth. It used to be referred to as the "baby blues" but is now recognized as a condition that needs immediate attention. Postpartum depression, if left untreated, can escalate into postpartum psychosis. For most women it's a form of depression that last for months and needs to be treated professionally. If left untreated women can become anxious, lose weight, have sleeping problems and difficulty concentrating. Today, family doctors are more aware of this condition and look for it after a new baby is born.

There is help for this condition. With antidepressant medication and counseling a woman can quickly return to a normal life. The deeper the depression and other symptoms, the longer the counseling will take. Counselors who treat women will often include the woman's partner in the counseling sessions. Partners need to understand the condition so they too can provide support at home. Counselors treating this condition normally use cognitive behavioral therapy. This type of therapy can help patients to look at events in their life differently and change how they react to those events.

Some therapists will also give interpersonal counseling. This helps the patient to concentrate on areas in the relationship with the partner and the new addition to the household. The therapist helps the patient to set goals and look at relationships within the family unit. This type of therapy helps provide emotional support when the patient most needs it. The therapist also helps the patient with problem solving, so that problems do not become bigger than they really are. Bringing the partner into the session gives them a level of understanding that makes it easier for them to provide support in the home environment.

Medication, although not always needed, helps to quickly relieve the symptoms of postpartum depression. Medications are often used for people suffering severe depression. Coupled with counseling this condition can be treated very quickly. Medications are normally used for a period of 6 months. In the beginning it's used for the depression and in the last few months it's used to help prevent relapses. Then your doctor gradually removes the medication. This gradual removal from your system helps to prevent any side effects that could happen with abrupt removal.

It's important to remember that this condition is very treatable. With support at home, counseling and medication the new mother can return to a completely normal life in a short time frame. It's nothing to be ashamed of and nothing that you have control over. With proper treatment life will return to normal in a very short time and you can expect to live a happy life like all new mothers.

Dr. Dan McKinnon is is a registered psychologist and organizational development consultant for entrepreneurs, managers, organizational leaders and executives. If want more information about counselling Calgary, visit his site at

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Cropped Knit Mini Halter Top in White - Ladies / Juniors Size MediumPick from the petite form-fitting babydoll style or standard regular fit womens style. Please refer to our sizing chart for measurements.This design also available as a men's Tee shirt, and a men's hoodie and sweat shirt in our other listings.


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2011年5月8日 星期日

Fight Depression - The Various Ways of Doing It

If you want to properly fight depression, you need to get proper treatment and this can be done with the help of a specialist. There are medications that you can use to treat this condition. Antidepressants can help to cure this illness although some of them may have certain side effects.

One of the best treatments for this condition is psychotherapy. There are several types of therapies and they include cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, psychodynamic therapy and group or family therapy. Often, a blended approach is normally used. In therapy, your moods swings and behavior are monitored by a specialist. The specialist will also talk to you in a bid to get to the root cause of the problem.

Therapy helps to fight depression from several angles. It gives you skills and insights that can help you prevent the recurrence of the illness. Therapy can teach you some practical techniques on how you can reframe negative thinking and work through the root cause of your condition. It can also empower you with behavioral skills that can help in combating the condition. Therapy helps you to understand why you feel in a certain way. It also helps you to understand the triggers of your situation. Through therapy, you will understand what you need to do to stay healthy.

Exercise normally helps people to break through negative energy and stress. Exercise not only helps you to get fit but also makes you energized and refreshed. Deep breathing and meditation can help to fight depression. They both help to put freshness and positive energy in you.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and its treatment. Depression

2011年5月7日 星期六

Male Depression

Male depression is a serious medical condition but many men try to ignore it and even refuse treatment. While it seems that fewer men are depressed as compared to women, that assumption may not be entirely true. Since this condition in men is not as widely recognized, it often goes undiagnosed. One reason for this is the men's reluctance to discuss the symptoms of the condition. Men are always not that open when it comes to talking about symptoms, emotions and feelings. They may have difficulties discussing these things with their families and friends let alone with a doctor.

Some men have been raised with emphasis on independence, competitiveness, self-control and emotional stoicism. Therefore, they may see a mental illness as a threat to their masculinity. Men can also resist treatment because they may be worried that the stigma may damage their career as well as make them lose respect among family members and friends.

Some signs and symptoms of male depression include violent or abusive behavior as well as inappropriate rage. Others are escapists behaviors such as over involvement in things such as sports or even work. Alcohol or substance abuse as well as thoughts of suicide are other symptoms.

Although suicidal attempts are more common in women than in men, men are more likely to complete suicide. This is because men use more lethal methods such as guns. As compared to women, men also act faster on suicidal thoughts. They also show fewer warning signs for example talk of suicide.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and it's treatment. Depression.

2011年5月6日 星期五

Is Depression Therapy Really That Easy?

There are various situations in life where an individual may have to go through the procedure of depression. Although the cause of depression varies from person to person, the main reason may be due to some personal problems which may be work related, relationship problems or due to family problems but personal and family problems mainly contribute to the build up of depression.

What does Depression cause?

For many, depression does not seem complex because they live with it. But depression causes problems in work, social life, family adjustment. If you suffer from depression then you must be well aware of the problems that you face, but it is not only you that suffer, but people around you suffer too because they care for you.

Types of Depression:

You may wonder how can there be different types of depression. The truth is that there are 5 types of depressions and the following section explains it further.

- Major Depression: This is the most serious type and the variety and number of symptoms are huge.

- Dysthymic Disorder: A depression that is generally moderate and has been present for nearly two years or at times longer.

- Unspecified Depression: This type exists in people who have depression that is quite serious in nature but not severe in nature.

- Adjustment Disorder Depression: A type of depression that occurs with people due to problems or due to a crisis in one's life.

- Bipolar Depression: People facing this type of depression may have low and high mood swings along with other symptoms.

If you suffer from depression, depression therapy will help you to combat it. You can do depression therapy on your own and the first thing you need to do is stop thinking negative. Negative thinking is the main reason for depression and it pulls any person back from achieving what they want to do. The following steps given below are useful when considering a good depression therapy:

1) In the initial stages set goals that are not tough for you by breaking them down to smaller ones and then accordingly proceed to fulfilling the goals.

2) Avoid staying alone and instead always try to have friends or relatives around so that you can enjoy every moment. By enjoying yourself you keep all problems away.

3) Avoid negative thinking whenever it comes to your mind, instead think the positive version of it and try and achieve that.

Although you can start and catalyze a depression therapy [], getting help from a psychologist would speed up the healing process and also make it simpler for you.

There are various websites which you can search to get loads of information about depression therapy, its types and ways to implement to help people suffering from depression.

Harry is a Freelance Content Writer. He has written various articles on Health related Issues like depression therapy [], depression treatment, & treatment of depression.

How Is Depression Treated?

Mood Disorder

Mood Disorders (depression) are a small grouping of common conditions that affect mental health. In mood disorders, normal feelings like being blue, happy or anxious become extreme and you feel you've got little or no control of your moods.

Mood disorders include the following:

Bipolar disorder (manic depression)
Panic attacks

Over 3 million Canadians deal with mood disorders and also over 50 million Americans but less than 1/3 seek help. People often hide their symptoms simply because they don't want people to know and deep inside really don't know what to do. Having a mood disorder is absolutely NOT a sign of weakness. It's a problem which can affect anyone, anywhere in any walk of life.

Can Those with Depression Problems Get Better?

Many individuals with depression improve with treatment. Without treatment, symptoms may last for months and even years, then there is the risk of depression coming on and coming on regularly. There's also a risk of suicide.

What can cause Depression-Many factors can increase the risk of developing depression:

Genetics-depression runs in families
Imbalance of brain chemicals
Childhood physical and emotional abuse
Gender-women are two times as more likely to develop depression
Medical illness or chronic disability
Temperament and personality (pessimism, perfectionism or lacking of social network)
Use of certain prescription or non-prescription drugs
Prolonged use of alcohol

In case you have a tendency to develop depression, things like high-stress times or significant loss (death of someone close), job loss, lack of a development) can trigger depressive episodes or at the least make the stress trigger seem worse.

How's Depression Diagnosed?

There isn't a simple test for depression or anxiety attacks. Your physician will request information about your feelings and behaviour. It is important that you just be honest. However there are many of treatments for depression and quite often a combination of treatments is best suited.

Treatment for Depression-There are many treatments for depression and often a combination of treatments work best.

Medication: Antidepressant or mood stabilizing medications are available to treat depression. It may take up to six weeks to feel a positive change. It is dangerous to abruptly stop your medication, so consult with your doctor if you are feeling better and want to stop taking medications.

Psychotherapy: Supportive therapy is important to depression treatment. Psychotherapy can help you understand and accept your illness, and deal with factors that may have caused you to become depressed. Therapy can also build your resilience and self-esteem.

Cognitive therapy: Cognitive therapy is a form of talk therapy that helps you understand how your thoughts affect your feelings towards behavior. It helps you retain your thought patterns to change your feelings.

Interpersonal therapy: This therapy focuses on strengthening your relationships and building your support system.

Supports Groups: Attending a self-help group can help alleviate and prevent depression.

Exercise: Research indicates that exercise can help relieve depression. Exercise increases helpful brain

chemicals that are depleted in depression. However, exercise should not replace traditional therapy.

Take care of yourself: Eating well, drinking plenty of water, sleeping properly and avoiding alcohol or recreational drugs can strengthen your ability to cope with depression.

This editorial was submitted by Jim Walker and is for information only. To find out more about this article visit

2011年5月5日 星期四

2011年5月4日 星期三

Panic Miracle (tm): Panic & Anxiety Cure* Top Aff Makes $4700/Day

The Highest Converting Panic and Anxiety Attack Cure Program On Cb! Proven 7%-16% Conversions. The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Reverse Their Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Phobias Using An Holistic 3-Step System. $$$ Earn $32 Per Sale!

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Panic & Anxiety Gone Offers 75% Commission

Panic & Anxiety Gone is a site retailing advice for people suffering from panic attacks and chronic anxiety, and every sale offers you a whopping 75% Commission! Extensive Affiliate Resource Area at

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2011年5月3日 星期二

Indigo Ocean Dreams: 4 Children's Stories Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness

Indigo Ocean Dreams: 4 Children's Stories Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-Esteem and Self-AwarenessIndigo Ocean Dreams is a 60 minute audio/CD designed to entertain your child in an ocean setting while introducing them to four research-based, stress management techniques. Each story integrates either progressive muscular relaxation, visualizations, breathing, and affirmations (positive statements). Children follow their sea friends along as they use progressive muscular relaxation and breathing to release and manage anger with Angry Octopus. Children build self-esteem with positive believe in yourself statements with Affirmation Weaver. Diaphragmatic breathing is fun with sea otters in Sea Otter Cove. Children enjoy a bubble ride through the ocean as they visualize colors with Bubble Riding. This CD offers longer stories than the first in this series, Indigo Dreams. Ideal for older children ages 6-12, or as step two for those already familiar with Indigo Dreams. Engaging characters present these adult level techniques in an easy to follow format that makes it fun for any child to learn. The male narration is accompanied by calming sounds of dolphins, sea otters, and gentle waves. An additional music sound track is included to further enhance your child's relaxation experience. These proven techniques encourage wellness and provide tools for children who suffer from anxiety, stress, trauma, hyperactivity, anger, pain, sleep issues, and lack of confidence.

Price: $15.95

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2011年5月2日 星期一

Sentry 02101 HC Good Behavior Pheromone Collar for Cats, 15 Inches

Sentry 02101 HC Good Behavior Pheromone Collar for Cats, 15 InchesSentry HC Good Behavior Pheromone Collar for Cats Stress can cause inappropriate behaviors in anybody. If you're a cat, this translates to excessive meowing, destructive behavior, and marking where those "marks" don't belong. The SentryR HC Good BehaviorTM Pheromone Collar for Cats releases calming pheromones, similar to those released by a mother cat to comfort her kittens, so your kitty can better cope with stressful situations. Features: · Safe and effective alternative to powerful prescription medicines · Proven to modify undesirable behavior · Mimics the pheromones released by mother cats to kittens, who recognize these pheromones throughout their lives · Soothes cats in stressful or fearful situations, such as travel, visits to the vet, loud noises and separation anxiety · Convenient-goes anywhere your dog goes, so you don't have to be home to enjoy the benefits · release of pheromones for up to 30 days · Adjust and cut length for a perfect fit · Safe for any age · Lavender Chamomile fragrance · Made in U.S.A. Item Specifications: Size: 15"Lw

Price: $12.00

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Attacking Anxiety and Depression - Coaching Video: 3 Volume DVD Set

3 volume DVD set including sessions 1-15 by Lucinda Bassett


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2011年5月1日 星期日

Let's GEt Physical: Anxiety Is Not All In Your Head

This unique ebook & bonus material focuses on physical root causes of anxiety and panic attacks and what can be done about them from the first hand author experience. Most people don't get better because it's treated as an emotional & mental problem.

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