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2011年6月11日 星期六

Adult Depression Treatments - Pharmaceutical and Non-pharmaceutical Adult Depression Treatments

Depression is, to say the least, a difficult illness to have. Many times, people will be told

"Get over it!" or "It's all in your head!" The second statement is in all truthfulness correct; although not as it is meant when that comment is typically made. Depression is an illness marked by a deep sense of sadness, a feeling of hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities you have typically enjoyed, including sex and eating. It is an illness that requires treatment by professionals.

As you might expect, there is a variety of treatments available to you. There are treatment methods for those who want to avoid medication at all costs, those who refuse medications and even for those for whom typical treatments fail. The treatments fall into some basic categories such as Herbal medicine, Alternative treatments named so because they are not treatments used in Western medical practice, Holistic treatments, and medical procedures to name just a few. Within these groups, there are so many treatments available.

Herbal treatments come in various forms including supplements and teas. Specific herbs that are known to affect mood are blended with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutritive substances. Some of the herbs that are used in herbal supplements include Chamomile, popularly taken in the form of a tea as well as a supplement. Dandelion Root which is also taken as a tea and a supplement has leaves that are used in salads.

Alternative treatments include Chiropractic massage. Reflexology is done by putting gentle pressure on specific spots on the hands and soles of the feet that are said to be directly connected to specific body parts. Reiki is a healing practice where healing energy is transferred from the Reiki practitioner to the patient to enhance the body's ability to heal itself and deal with pain, fatigue, and even depression.

Holistic treatments treat the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. It includes such treatments as Chiropractic massage, Homeopathy where small doses of natural substances are given to boost the immune system and the body's defense system. The substance is given to cause a condition to occur, so the body can attack it and heal itself. Meditation or prayer takes care of the mind and spirit. As the mind and spirit are calmed, other symptoms may be eased as well.

Medical procedures that are used in Adult Depression treatments include ECT- Electroconvulsive Therapy also known as "Shock Therapy". VNS- Vagal Nerve Stimulation where a pace maker type device is implanted in the chest and pulses are delivered to the Vagus nerve that runs from the neck to the brain to stimulate the nerve thought to be connected to the mood center of the brain.

TMS- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is done by a doctor using a hand-held magnetized coil that is charged with electricity.

It is passed over the patient's scalp and the pulse penetrates the skull and goes to the brain to stimulate it. It is currently experimental but has potential of becoming very exact.

Medications called Anti-depressants are used to help balance out the chemicals in the brain, particularly Serotonin and Norepinephrine. The type of medication you get will depend on the type and depth of your depression. Anti-depressants do have some serious if not dangerous side effects, not the least of which is suicidal tendencies. This is why people now are turning more and more to herbal, holistic, and non-medical treatments.

Adult Depression treatments still may be effective and may eventually help you to lead a happy successful life. Getting help or more importantly needing help is nothing to be ashamed of. Rather than it being a sign of weakness, I believe it is a sign of strength and the will to survive.

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John Gibb is the manager and owner of various health websites. His latest addition is Natural Depression Alleviation

