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2011年6月2日 星期四

The Best Depression Treatments - Remedies Or Prescription Drugs?

Depression treatments can be as varied as the individuals who suffer from the disorder. Depression can affect each person differently and so the best possible avenue for treatment will depend on each individual's particular needs. Of course there are some general forms of treatment which can be used in various combinations for most depressed patients, but finding just the right mix for you can be half the battle.

Step one in any treatment is recognizing and understanding the symptoms. While we all occasionally have feelings of sadness, anxiety and hopelessness caused by major life changes including moving, changing jobs or getting divorced, these feelings are usually temporary and resolve themselves over time. It is when they become overwhelming and constant that true depression sets in and this is when it becomes time to find the best depression treatments.

The primary cause of depression is disturbances in neurotransmissions, the regular messages that tell our brain how and what to feel. When neurotransmitters break down, the brain can have difficulty letting go of negative feelings or balancing them out with positive energy. Depression treatments focus on regaining this balance by re-establishing proper neurotransmission.

The major components of depression treatment are self-help steps, lifestyle changes, and professional help. The best depression treatments will involve some combination of each, tailored to the individual's particular needs. Exactly what you need to help you will depend heavily on your circumstances and your physical makeup. It is imperative that you consult with your doctor before beginning any kind of treatment as professional medical help is a necessity for proper treatment.

Once you have acknowledged the problem, you can begin to consider which depression treatments will work best for you. No matter what you do, having a good support system in place is crucial. The more support you can get from family and friends, the easier the path to healing will be.

Along with providing support, the best depression treatments also encourage the patient to make changes to his or her lifestyle to increase positive energy. Getting more exercise, developing new interests, changing your diet to include foods rich in serotonin and making sure you get enough sleep can all help to adjust the balance of neurotransmitters. Therapy can also help as it allows you to express your feelings and address them more directly.

Medication can also be a part of most depression treatments, but it is important to remember that you have options. There is no reason to rely solely on traditional ant-depressants, which can carry the threat of becoming addictive as well as having serious side effects. There are other alternatives, among them natural herbal remedies which can help to restore proper neurotransmission without exposing you to side effects. Many people believe this makes them the best depression treatments because they are safe and healthy.

When it comes to treating depression, the most important thing to remember is that there is no one right answer. Make sure you consider all the different treatment methods to find the one that is right for you. Depression doesn't have to take over your life; with the right treatment you can take your life back and enjoy living it again.

Laura Ramirez is a dedicated to helping others achieve health and a sense of emotional and physical well-being. Learn more about her findings on natural ways to treat depression and anxiety by going to

