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2011年6月27日 星期一

Your Depression Treatment Options

Depression can be a very serious illness, which threatens and effects the lives of millions of people around the world. There is more to conventional understanding of depression; depression is not just feeling in the dumps, rather it is a disease condition, affecting thousands of people at least once in their life time. Statistics have shown that depression affects twice as many women than men and sometimes with very serious repercussions. Though depression is a serious illness, it can easily be cured by a qualified medical professional. If you feel that you are experiencing frequent bouts of depression, you are advised to contact any of the nearest medical centers to have one of several available depression treatments.

Depression treatment can help you in many different ways: the most important benefit of depression treatment is its ability to reduce the intensity of pain and suffering. However, you may need to seek qualified treatment as early as possible to get the full benefit of depression treatment. Previous successful results have shown that people who are undergoing acute bouts of depression are cured permanently with sustained treatment. Most of the people who are treated for depression usually feel better within weeks after depression treatment. However, it is also advisable to continue depression treatment till the patient is completely cured.

There are several depression treatments available for patients like:

1. Antidepressant medicine and drugs

2. Psychotherapy and counseling

3. A combination of drugs and counseling

Some people who have a low intensity of depression may get cured just by prescription drugs, while more serious cases of depression need a sustained depression treatment regimen consisting of drugs and psychotherapy. Chronic depression may lead the patient to think about committing suicide or death. If you have these negative thoughts, inform someone you trust immediately. Request them to assist you find medical help instantly. These thoughts usually go away once the depression is treated completely.

Depression treatment method is best chosen after mutual consultation with your doctor. You must preferably compare all those positive advantages with every adverse effect of treatment. Depression must be treated immediately, as in absence of treatment, a major outbreak can last 6 to 12 months. In between these months, many people feel better or face no real symptoms at all. Treatment can prevent recurrences of depression and untreated depression may lead second or even third episodes of depression within one or two years.

Depression treatment by drugs and medicines is one of the most preferred methods and many people start feeling good effects of medicine during the first few weeks itself. Consistent ingestion of drugs for about 6 months will result in a remarkable improvement in the health of the affected patient. You may need to consult your physician every fortnight; this is just to let them know your mind and health. During further treatment, you will also visit your doctor every alternate month. If you have any serious side effects, inform your physician immediately and seek more inputs on the prescription.

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