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2011年1月21日 星期五

Characteristics of Panic attack

The attack Panic is the intensive Federal fear that occurs without an obvious cause and is characterized by the following symptoms, but it will be sufficient experience, four of them to classify the condition as panic attack:

-Breath or smothering sensations dyspnoea.
-Dizziness, faintness or unstable feelings.
-Accelerated heart rate.
-Tu finds or Shacking.
-Numbness or cold sensations of the fingers, hands or lips.
-Chest pain.
-Flushes or chills.
-the Fear from going crazy.
-the Fear from seriously suffer.
-Feelings of unreality.

If you experience less than four of the above symptoms is called the attack a limited problem. Panic attacks have different time frame, they can create a gradually in the course of several minutes or hours or very suddenly strike. While it may take from several minutes to several days, the most I don't last more than half an hour.

Anxiety or panic it felt regardless of if you are called anxiety spontaneous or spontaneous panic, depending on the degree of intensity. If anxiety and panic appear only in the specific situation, it is called a situational anxiety or phobic or panic. If anxiety or panic is simply thinking about a specific situation, then, is called the anxiety vigilance or implied panic.

With the of anxiety people-related issues often feel that they are separately and are only those that are suffering from this problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. According to the National Institute health mental anxiety disorders are the most common mental health-issues in the United States. During these six months, about 9% or 16 million people in the country will suffer any of anxiety known-related problems. Also in the course of their lives anxiety,-related problems expressed an 14,6% or 26 million people. It is very clear, anxiety problems that are not rare, but on the whole, the general population of the UNITED STATES.

Acute anxiety and Panic attacks can be paralyzing, but the good news is that you can uzdravi easily by following the steps. For more information you can visit:

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